Wednesday 2 September 2009

What to do now!

I have so many jobs wizzing round in my head and I just do not know where to start. I have started this blog to help my website and because everybody keeps telling me that blogging is the way forward! I am sat here, on a really uncomfortable chair under my stairs with the house looking like a pig sty and for some strange reason still feel the need to continue with this blog for the love of Jack Spratt! Perhaps one day I may get into the swing of it and turn in to a natural born writer....who knows.....better watch this space!


  1. Lol, this is exactly how I felt when I started out and still sometimes now. I am not a natural writer at all and often wonder why on earth anyone would be interested in what I have to say. Through the blog though I have reached many people I would never have otherwise so it must be worth it.
    If you are anything like me you will become slightly addicted and carry a camera all the time and then have moments when you can think of nothing to post about.
    We truly are super mums right? How on earth do we fit it all in?
    Good luck - I will spread the word where I can x

  2. I have only just found this comment you left! I have been messing around trying to understand it all and slowly it is coming to me! You are right, we are supermums. I havent a clue where I get all this energy from (even though I am tired most of the time) and sometimes wonder if it wouldnt be easier to be like most of my friends who get to enjoy the finer things in life when the babies are in bed, but I know that if I did that then I would just be sat there getting frustrated about wanting a challenge!! I love your website and everything about your brand, I too will help spread the word....but it looks to me like you are doing a fine job at it all by your self! x
